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842 packages ready for distribution for the students in the various communities in Bequia


Rise up Bequia is a Non-profit organization that has been in existence for 7 years. This Organization was initially established to actively raise funds to assist the people of St. Vincent & the Grenadines who were affected by the December floods in 2013. Rise up Bequia has since then maintained it's position in helping different persons and groups from the various communities on the Island.

In 2014, Rise up Bequia started a book drive initiative here on the Island with a long term goal aimed at providing books for every student attending school from Bequia.

Over the last 3 years, Rise up Bequia has been able to supply EVERY student attending school from the Island Bequia with a wide variety of school necessities.

Lite FM Bequia reached out to the Committee inquiring about the reasons for such a widespread and impactful effort. Mr. Patrick Hutchison, a member of the Organization, answered by saying "It is part of our Mandate. Acts of kindness will build a sustainable Community and educating our children for the future can help bring this about. We have done this for over 6 years".

Mr. Hutchinson further expressed that he is certain that they have provided supplies to a future Prime Minister or Doctor or Businessman.

This Organisation is keenly dedicated towards smoothening the part for as many of its fellow Islanders, especially School children. "We are ensuring that Covid-19 or a slow start to the season does not affect their chances".

842 Packages ready for distribution!

This is the team that got it done in under 2 hours. Record Time! Thank you all for volunteering. None of this is possible without You or the Broadway to Bequia Theatre. The work of building a sustainable Bequia continues!

800 Students will benefit as a result of this great initiative of Rise up Bequia.



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