For the past five Sabbaths, the doors of our churches remained closed, while we had virtual
National church services streamed and broadcasted live from Mt Moriah. We express our
thanks to the Mt Moriah Church, the Communication team and all the facilitators for making
these worship sessions possible. While many would have accessed these services and were.

Blessed, there are others who missed going to the local church for individual programming.
Driving or walking to church or even opening up the doors of the church building for praise
and worship is in itself a means of witnessing and blessing for which I can understand your
Upon the advice of the Ministry of Health to Faith Based Organizations, we believe that we can
now re-open our churches for local progranmming, while observing the recommended Health
and Safety Protocols. As such, I would like to announce that this Sabbath, May 16 will be the
last for our National Virtual Programming and from Sabbath May 23 we will reopen the
individual churches for local programming
In compliance with the Ministry of Heath protocols, Administration is recommending the
following guidelines:
1) That the seating be re-arranged to facilitate physical distancing of 3-6 ft apart of each
other, with each church determining the maximum number of persons it can
accommodate at any one particular service..
2) Where attendance is large and physical distancing can be compromised that multiple
services be arranged, with each service not being longer than 1 and1/2 hours. In this
regard, each church administration will determine the plan and strategy for leading the
services and who will attend which service.
3) That we continue to practice good hygiene habits such as washing of hands regularly,
covering of cough, disinfecting frequently used rooms, sanitizing instruments and
mierophones, wearing of face masks and avoiding close contacts such as hugging, kissing
and hand-shaking.
4) That the services be short, sweet, inspiring and uplifting, preferably from 9:30-11:30am
or 10:00-12:00 noon for single services. Such services should be well planned in advance,
duly coordinated and properly executed.
5) AY Programs and week night services would be determined by each church
6) Churches that have been doing weekly streaming before the shut down will resume such
live streaming accordingly.
7) That each church establish a COVID-19 Consultation & Monitoring Committe to give
direction and guidance to the church to facilitate this new reality.
Brothers and Sisters, cOVID-19 has caused enormous disruption to life and living around the
world. Things this side of life may never be the same again. Psalm 40:8 encourages us to take
delight in doing the will of God. Whatever the future holds, let's ensure that we resign ourselves
to understanding, knowing and doing God's will. On Wednesday night, May 13 we celebrated
the mid-way mark of the 100 days prayer initiative instituted by the General Conference.
Let's make this initiative part of our daily experience as we commit ourselves to Kingdom
building. May the Lord continue to bless us abundantly!
Sincerely Yours
Dermoth Baptiste