Synopsis: The Atlantic high pressure system is the dominant feature. Forecast: Fair to occasionally cloudy, hazy and breezy with brief occasional showers. Wind: E - ENE at 20 to 40 km/h. Seas: Moderate to rough in open water with swells from 2.0m to 3.0m. A small craft advisory will be in effect for above normal sea swells.
Today: The surface to low level Atlantic high pressure system will be the dominant feature across the region. Embedded within the trade wind flow however, weak shallow, low level instability will maintain occasional brief shower activity throughout the day along with breezy conditions. Dry mid to upper level conditions will continue to inhibit significant convective growth. Hazy conditions are also forecast. Tuesday: No significant change is forecast across the eastern Caribbean. It should also be noted that the mid to upper levels will become favourable by nightfall. A mid level trough with its axis oriented north-east to south west and an upper level jet over the region could allow for isolated vertical cloud development.